Saturday, November 30, 2013

Work it Out

As good as getting into law school felt, the real world came crashing into me to wake me back up. I am broke broke broke! My current server job is just not giving me enough hours so the job hunt commenced. Through my manager at the pizza shop I work at (remember I have 3 jobs) got me an interview at another restaurant, which is further away but I have the possibility of making more money. I went in for my first interview yesterday and have another interview tonight. It sucks though because it is my fiance's family Thanksgiving dinner which I will miss. I can't continue to struggle so much though. My fiance is the best, he supports me so much, emotionally and financially. He has made my last 2 car payments and paid all our bills for our house and stuff the past 2 months. All the money I have has went towards my credit card bills, gas and some cheap lunch once a week, which I feel pretty guilty about but hey I have to eat. Like I said my fiance is unbelievably supportive. I couldn't be luckier. That brings up another money issue however, our wedding. The shop I ordered my dress from told me I'd have until May to pay my dress off, but now they are saying I have to pay it off now or they will sell it to someone else. I am freaking out! I do not have the money to pay my car payment let alone the rest of my dress off. I've been making $20 payments but it still has $400 to be paid on it. This just leads to more anxiety because now I'm worried about the rest of my wedding and the bills that come with it. I just don't know what to do, I can only work so much before my school starts to drop. I already work my lunch breaks from school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I work from the time I get out of class till 10 pm on Tuesday and Thursdays and I work all Friday night and Saturday. The only day I could pick up more is Sunday but I rely on that day to catch up on homework. Money just sucks and I don't know when I got to this point of debt and living outside of my means. I'm also not quiet sure how to dig my way out, other than work as much as possible over break and just really cut back absolutely everything but the bare necessities.
Well wish me luck on my interview!

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